Author: Editor

Culture is Key

Workplace culture is key to creating a successful team and winning over the hearts, and dollars, of new customers. Unfortunately the significance of company culture is often overlooked, undervalued or misunderstood - and too many employers think culture begins and ends with an office air hockey table or discounted gym memberships.

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How to Generate Customer Loyalty

Many marketing strategies prioritise client acquisition, but how do you generate customer loyalty to keep those buyers coming back? Acquiring one new customer can cost anywhere from five to 25 times more than retaining an existing one - a figure that clearly demonstrates the importance of creating loyal customers.

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How to find your niche in business

The experience of finding your niche in business is always a unique and personal journey. Some business owners and entrepreneurs start out with a crystal clear vision of a highly defined niche they’re passionate about, and thrive. But not all of us are so lucky.

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Power of Relationships

Going into business doesn’t have to mean going it alone.  Some small and medium enterprise owners get so bogged down with daily responsibilities, or staying one step ahead of the competition, they miss the opportunities right in front of them.  Instead of competing, building relationships in business could be more beneficial for building your brand. 

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